The advantage of having an instrument management system is knowing where your instruments are. Knowing where your instruments are all of the time can help create a distinct advantage for advancing your customer support. Delivery times are shortened in emergent and urgent situations. Add-on cases can be supported with better accuracy by knowing instrument availability. It enables the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) to be more patient center focused. There are other advantages to having better instrument tracking: creating better staffing designs, throughput analysis, increased prioritization of instruments, and completion of case carts.
Staffing Designs
By utilizing location scans, you can trend your instrument data and align your staffing needs that meet your instrument flow. Knowing when your instruments arrive in all work areas of your department allows you to create a workflow curve.
Throughput Analysis
Utilizing your throughput analysis, the time it takes for an item to travel from one point to another can help you detect bottlenecks in your processing model. Bottlenecks can be equipment, process, or staff issues. Using throughput analysis can help create support for more equipment, better workflow processes, or establishing better productivity metrics.
Prioritization of Instruments
Prioritization of trays starts with knowing what is in your sterile storage area. Matching your OR schedule needs to the current inventory on hand helps the staff prioritize the most urgently needed instruments.
Case Carts
Case cart completion is completed by scanning instruments to case carts. Knowing what is missing from your case carts helps create priorities and enhances communication between the OR and CSSD. It also reduces delays in the operating rooms.
In Conclusion
Developing better instrument tracking by reducing blind spots in your instrument flow creates better customer service and reduces patient risks.